Mammadov Zaman

Mammadov Zaman was born in 1981.


In 1999-2003 he graduated Bachelor`s degree of soil science and Agricultural chemistry of Azerbaijan Agricultural Academy and in 2003-2005 he graduated master with a degree in soil Ecology of Biology faculty of Baku State University. In 2006 he entered the Graduate School of Biological faculty of the Baku State University. And from 2007 to nowodays he works as a teacher in Biology and then Ecology and Soil Science Department of Baku State University.


In 2010 he defended his thesis on “Ecological evaluation of the soils of the North-East slope of Small Caucasus” and get his PhD degree in biology. And also now he is the author of dissertation in Agricultural Chemistry and the Institute of Soil Science of ANAS.


Now he works as a leading researcher at the Institute of Dendrology of ANAS.  From 13 November, 2013 he is the chairman of the Council of the young scientists and specialists of the institute of the Dendrology of ANAS. He is the author of over 40 scientific papers and monographs 1. He is the member of the New Azerbaijan Party. He is married and has one child.