Council of Young scientists and specialists held monitoring at the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics
Apr 10 , 2014 | 11:31 / Monitoring
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Next meeting of Council of Young scientists and specialists was held at the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics.

Overcoming the problems of young scientists , and the implementation of the proposals is the meeting’s main goal, PhD in physics, chairman of the Council of young scientists and specialists Famin Salmanov stated.

Later, PhD in mathematics, deputy chairman of Council of young scientists and specialists of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics Famil Seyfullayev gave information about the activities of young scientists working in the institution.

Increasing the scientific potential of youth, stimulating their initiatives and proposals in various fields of science, funding projects and programs , improving the social situation of young people , develop skills and knowledge in the field of ICT , and other issues were discussed at the meeting.

Later, members of the Council met with the director of the Institute, Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences Misir Mardanov.