In 1993-1997 she got bachelor’s degree graduating from the faculty of Library and Bibliography of Baku State University. In 2004-2006 she got Master’s degree graduating the faculty of Philology of Sumgait State University.
In 2007 she entered the post –graduate courses of the National Museum of Azerbaijan Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of ANAS on the index “Theory of literature”.
In 2014 she received advanced degree of Ph.D on philiology defending the thesis “Poetic integrity in Vagif Samadoglu’s creative activity”.
Nowadays she is a scientific assosiate and a guide at the National Museum of Azerbaijan Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of ANAS. Since 2011 she is the head of the Society of Young Scientists and Specialists of the museum. She is the member of New Azerbaijan Party. Married.